Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Unable to upload the TIF image of large dimensions 1920x1080 to Java Application

I got an incident from customer saying that we are unable to upload TIF images to application and how ever they are able to upload when it was opened in Photoshop and saved.

I have raised this issue with third party and we were not having exact application logs to look into


Application could not load this because it was missing the dimension information (width x height). This information is required in order for STEP to be able to load a TIFF image.
The dimension information is metadata on the file that is normally provided by whatever program the file was created in. Unfortunately, I cannot tell what program created this file, as it did not leave its name in the metadata either. Re-saving this image in any Photoshop application will supply the required metadata and then you should be able to import it into STEP. Just be aware that Photoshop will default to 72 dpi unless a different resolution is set.


  1. Select all the images into Microsoft Picture Manager.
  2. Click on Edit Pictures -- >Re-size and then select the required dimensions and press OK.
  3. Click on File -- >Save All to save all the re-sized images
Please note that original images will be re-sized and make sure that back up original images in case if required

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