Wednesday, July 17, 2013

EPS file does not open correctly in photoshop-("Could not open or parse a DSC plate file because the file cannot be found"):

I have an issue from Customer saying that .eps file is not opened properly in photoshop application and throws the error "Could not open or parse a DSC plate file because the file cannot be found".

1)Downloaded open source viewer application such as InfraView and installed.The .eps file opened propely but in blurred form, so that I fgiured out some information is missing to reconstruct the file.
2)Tried to open in photoshop and got the error.I converted psd file to eps file which worked fine.At that time I came across options 'multiple file version/single file version' before saving the psd file to eps.
3)read more about EPS file format in internet and clarified about 'multiple file version/single file version'
4)Opened the error .eps file in Notepad++ and checked and found out .C,.M,.Y and .K files are missing and that was originally created as multiple file version.


EPS file was created as multiple file version and some of the files are missed out( Logo.C,Logo.M, Logo.Y,Logo.K ).
create single file version of eps file and upload the image to Application

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